I came to Nevine Michaan a scientist, and she taught me that science is magic.
My yoga practice is highly influenced by my time with Nevine Michaan, the founder of Katonah Yoga®️.
I currently work with teachers and students who want to weave the science of strength and conditioning into their Katonah yoga practice.
What is Katonah Yoga? . . .
Katonah Yoga® is a syncretic Hatha yoga practice developed by Nevine Michaan over 40 years. She and her teachers incorporate classical Hatha yoga with Taoist theory, geometry, magic, mythology, metaphor, and imagination — in a practical framework designed to potentiate personal and communal well-being.
How is your research and teaching connected to Nevine Michaan? . . .
My research and inquiry into esoteric practices are HIGHLY influenced by my time spent with Nevine Michaan, the founder of Katonah Yoga.
In my experience, Katonah Yoga is not meant as a "type" of yoga as much as a lens in which to view your practice, your postures and your well being.
What I love about Nevine is that she offers you her insights, but her open source material is set up so brilliantly that it is really up to YOU to delve into the material so that it resonates for YOU.
I am a yoga teacher and would like to learn more about Katonah Yoga certification . . .
The certification process for Katonah Yoga certification is explained here.
I do not offer Katonah Yoga Training but work with Katonah Yoga teachers, teachers in training and those interested in Nevine's work in how to make the material their own.
This approach sets you up to truly participate in your learning process, to integrate what resonates for YOU into what you have already built.
What kind of yoga do you teach?. . . .
I teach the kind of yoga that WORKS.
Practices that help you feel SAFE, STRONG and CENTERED.
I think the best teachers study what works and weaves it into their own experience.
This is what I can help you with.