Strength In Yoga
Yoga STRETCHING doesn’t give you everything you need to have a strong, healthy, functional body. So many of my students come to me with injuries and imbalances because they ONLY worked on stretching.
And more stretching.
What was missing was a targeted apporach to joint health, low back strength, and working on posture and core strength.
Because of this, many students come to our classes looking to get stronger.
They want to build a strong, resilient body for a better quality of life.
And this is why strength work is part of our yoga classes.
When we stop prioritizing flexibility, we actually can get MORE flexible. Because if we are strong, our flexibility is more balanced
We have a very simple approach to getting flexible AND strong. Our classes are balanced, we cover everything we need for both and this allows us to have a yoga practice that is sustainable and attainable.
This is why our classes work and are the key to getting stronger AND more flexible. We make strengthening a part of our yoga classes for best results.